Sunday, April 1, 2012

4.1.12 april fools day!

well well, here it is again, a day of jokes.
the most common that i seem to ALWAYS see, are the following:
- fake pregnancies
- fake marriages
- fake deaths
- fake cars/houses/boats/etc

now, i'm not sure if i'm the only one, but i HATE seeing someone fake a pregnancy. even if it is on april fools day. call me a party pooper, but i absolutely hate it.


we're going out after while, cash is napping.
currently there are cloth diapers on a rack basking in the sun.
i love nothing more than the sight of a fluffy diaper on cash's butt or on a diaper rack.
they're so nice and clean and fluffy and cute and bright <3
nobody can understand until they actually do it themselves, and it may sound dumb, but i seriously love it!

made a new wipe solution today, it's a pretty simple one, not many ingrediants and pretty diluted.
1/2 cup distilled water
1/2 cup chamomile tea
1/4 teaspoon dr bronners castile soap in almond scent
shake and done!

it smells more like chamomile than almond, but you gotta dilute the dr bronners pretty good.
you only have to use 2-4 drops to wash your entire body, so it's pretty powerful! haha

made a tutu for the cutest niece who is having her pictures taken today which i'm sure will turn out beautiful. :)

well, time to go pack the diaper bag, flip the diapers, shower, and get ready for the day!

hope everyone has an awful terribly stinky day....APRIL FOOLS!

love, hugs, and bad jokes


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